• 2,925
    clients have received services from six co-located nonprofits in East Tulsa's new micro-community resource center.
  • 75+
    small businesses have gained access to capital, technical assistance and mentorship opportunities through Elevate East.
  • 1/5
    Hispanic adults living in Tulsa have less than a 9th grade education — Elevate East is investing in educational programs to address this.

Building a neighborhood for everyone

East Tulsa is the most culturally diverse and fastest-growing community in our city.

A community that welcomes all walks of life

Over 80 languages are spoken and 25 countries are represented by Global District residents. The neighborhood is home to immigrants and refugees seeking a welcoming place to settle in the Heartland.

Our approach

GKFF's Elevate East is a collaborative community and public-private initiative that provides families with resources and opportunities while preserving and enhancing  East Tulsa’s cultural assets and commercial corridors.

By funding comprehensive programs and services that enhance education, housing, health, and economic opportunities for the community, Elevate East supports Tulsans with the resources they need to succeed.

Learn more about Elevate East Tulsa on their website.

What we support

Our support for East Tulsans:

Elevate East is working collaboratively with community members to create opportunities for families to thrive."
Ken Levit
Executive Director of GKFF

Neighborhood programs we support

Our Team

Cynthia Jasso

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