• 131
    OU Community Medicine students have earned GKFF scholarships for serving underserved populations.
  • 1/5
    of Oklahoma children live at or below the federal poverty level.
  • 3
    year reduction in life expectancy gap: from 14 to 11 years in Tulsa's low-income zip codes, thanks to collaborative efforts.

How we help

GKFF has sought best practices from across the nation and innovated by forging public and private sector partnerships to address the health challenges facing Tulsans.

Health outcomes and poverty are intertwined

Oklahoma struggles with some of the country’s worst health outcomes, especially for children and families living in poverty. Health disparities and limited access to healthcare prevent individuals from reaching their full potential.

Our approach

We support efforts addressing the root causes of poverty and the development of healthy communities. Ensuring access to affordable healthcare and increasing the number of insured individuals are vital for a city’s success.

What we support

Our approach is focused on strengthening community health programs and data-driven health interventions. The programs and organizations we support directly impact the lives of low-income children and families through efforts to:

Strengthening access to care in Tulsa

We provide tuition assistance and scholarships at both OU and OSU medical schools and support community health and add educational support programs:

Our Team

Monica Basu

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