Social Support Services

Community Well-being and Justice
  • $7M
    in funding awarded to Tulsa-based social service nonprofits each year.
  • 70+
    nonprofits are meeting the urgent needs of Tulsans, providing access to food, securing safe housing and more.
  • 8th
    Oklahoma has the 8th highest poverty rate in the nation.

Meeting essential needs

Tulsans, especially those living in low-income and historically underserved communities, struggle with meeting their most basic needs.

Diminished access to essential services and resources like bill assistance, food, and housing, perpetuates poverty.

GKFF provides approximately $7 million in annual support to more than 70 nonprofit agencies serving the immediate needs of children and families living in poverty in the Tulsa area.

These nonprofits provide a range of services and programming to meet emergency needs like food, housing and rental assistance, behavioral health and crisis intervention, health care, youth development and more.

Through these investments, GKFF builds relationships and familiarity with local organizations, collaborating with them to improve access to services. Our approach helps:

Expanding support

Our community partners are connecting Tulsans with essential resources:

Our Team

Sara Ross
Sophia Pappas
Suzanne Schreiber

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