Rose Washington
Rose Washington serves as the Chief Executive Officer of Tulsa Economic Development Corporation (TEDC) where she is responsible for developing, implementing, and overseeing strategies that support the organization’s role as a catalyst leader in local economic growth. TEDC reaches over 500 entrepreneurs and small businesses each year through workshops, development services and loans ranging from $500 to $10 million. Inclusive economic development is paramount in TEDC’s mission. Ms. Washington has served on numerous boards, including the Board of Directors for 36 Degrees North, Greenwood Chamber of Commerce, i2E, John Hope Franklin Center for Reconciliation, and Leadership Oklahoma. She has also led both the Tulsa Regional Chamber Board of Directors and INCOG Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Committee as Chair. Prior to arriving in Oklahoma, Rose enjoyed a successful career in community and government relations with the University of Southern California, as well as several years in banking and higher education in Mississippi. She holds a BBA in finance and an MBA from Mississippi State University and Mississippi College, respectively. Rose’s crowning achievement is as mom to Mariah Rentie and Morris Rentie III.