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Women in Recovery is Nationally Recognized

February 14, 2024

The New York Times, Nicholas Kristof examines how the GKFF partner program breaks addiction cycles and reunites families.

In the article, Kristof profiles women graduating from Women in Recovery and shares their inspiring stories of recovery from addiction, noting how the program is a model for providing alternatives to incarceration and helping rebuild communities.


He finds that what sets Women in Recovery apart and helps it succeed is the comprehensive nature of the program with its aims to restore mental health, help families and create paths to employment and economic opportunity.

Read the full profile in the New York Times.


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'Every single judge in the courthouse is so proud of you,' Judge Michelle Keely told the women from a podium before handing out their graduation certificates. Women in Recovery 'is the best program we have in Oklahoma,' she told me in a separate interview, adding that she believes it’s 'incredibly replicable' in other jurisdictions.
Judge Michelle Keely
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